Thursday, March 24, 2011


I love spring.  Really, who doesn't?  The snow disappears, the temperature starts to warm up, everything comes back to life... plus my birthday is in spring. ;)  What's not to like about this season?  (aside from the slightly unpredictable weather and general dirtiness that comes before the 'coming-back-to-life' stage). 

This year I've been looking forward to spring for another reason, as well.  I'm so looking forward to being able to get out with my kids - to go for walks, jump in puddles, even just to be able to get out the door with out the whole process of warm up the car, bundle up the baby, bundle up the toddler, bring each one out to the car one at a time (because I don't want to leave either out in the cold while buckling the other one up), etc...  I've been much more of a hermit this winter than normal, because the whole process exhausts me just thinking about it!  There was one week, I think it was back in January, that I didn't leave the house from Tuesday afternoon until Saturday evening.  Yikes.

Annika was born in April (the day before my birthday), so it was very easy to get out with her as a newborn (and I also didn't have another child to look after, so that made it easier too!).  We have pictures of us taking her for a walk in her new stroller when she was less than a week old.  The weather was gorgeous - we were just wearing shirts and shorts.  And all she needed was a blanket - no big hat or bunting bag or anything.  I've really missed that with Emmett (although we did get to enjoy that briefly during our week in Florida).  I've been complaining all winter about how having a newborn in winter is no fun.  However, I think now I'm going to enjoy spring even more.  Now that I know how difficult it COULD be, I'll be all the more appreciative of how easy it is to just slip on a sweater and go.  And Emmett is in that stage where he's becoming more interactive and fun (and sleeping really well!), so that is also a plus. 

And only 3 weeks until my birthday! ;)


Melissa said...

I am willing spring to come, this has been a LONG winter. WE have some new bikes in the garage just waiting to be ridden!

Gin said...

I'm ready for spring!! All of Wes's wood is out of the swamp - bring on the warm temps!!