Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August long weekend

Another long weekend at the lake.  This time we went with some good friends of ours and their kids. The weather was cool, but it only rained once.  The kids didn't mind the cold lake water, but it was too cold for my liking!  Still, we had a good time.

On the way out to the lake we stopped at "cellphone point" - the place where Carey proposed to me, just over 10 years ago (I actually don't know the exact date - just that it was the Sunday before the August long weekend in 2003).

 Story time

And more story time.  Emmett loves that truck book.

 My boys in orange.

Annika likes taking "selfies" already! :P

Another tooth gone!  And Emmett pulled it out again.  This one was also loose, but I didn't think it was quite ready to come out yet.  Carey was joking around with the kids and teasing Annika that Emmett was going to pull it out.  They were all rough-housing a little, and suddenly Emmett had pulled the tooth out!  Annika was quite surprised by that one (and I expect it probably hurt a little more than the first one), but she was quite excited when the tooth fairy came to the lake.

 Me and the kids.  
After reading this blog post, I decided to start taking more pictures of myself with the kids (I'm going to try for at least one a month).  Too often I'm the one behind the camera.

Getting ready for the tooth fairy to come.

He's still got it.

This kid loves watermelon.

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